When you think about snowfall, you probably think about a graceful, peaceful landscape. However, real-life winter storms are not so serene, especially in our area. Instead of a beautiful winter wonderland, we’re often left facing ice storms that cause major power outages. Today, the E.E.S team wants to share some very important advice about buying a home generator and how it can help you prepare for winter storms:

Create a warm atmosphere inside your house

Staying warm isn’t optional during the winter, especially if you’re facing potential power outages from winter storms. Crank up the heat ahead of the storm and switch your ceiling fan’s rotation from counterclockwise to clockwise. This will push the warm air down to where you are. Walk around your home and plug all holes and cracks you see in walls, doors, and windows. Heat can –and will – escape through any openings, so do everything you can now to preserve any warmth you can.

Watch your plumbing and attic

Next, take preventative measures to protect your attic and plumbing. Insulate your attic space to keep warm air inside. Keep your pipes from freezing over by covering them for insulation.

Install a home generator

Finally, consider the ultimate preparation for a winter power outage: install a home generator. A home generator guarantees that your house will stay warm even if the power goes out. You’ll also preserve your food supply, which will save you money.

If you need to purchase a home generator, call E.E.S before winter’s full force arrives. Discover how we can help you have peace of mind even when snow and ice are swirling around your home.